Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Fifth Post


Does anyone have any purty pictures the think I might be able to draw from? I've suddenly found a little bit of spark in me that hasn't yet been admitted to an asylum, and its surprisingly difficult to find easy pictures to draw from.

Lol, I drew one of sebrina ^^

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Ex Nihilio

May I please implore everyone (yes all 4 of us) to E-mail this to other members of the blog because I don't have everyones E-mail. You should all have admin privaleges now but don't you go changing the furniture!

And also 'followers' *cough* Emily *cough* get yourself a google account wotsit so you can become a member!

And always remember: In the Beginning there was Nothing and then there was The Corner. Ex Nihilio.

Third Post

Wow... That was back when we were wearing purple jumpers XO It's an upsetting scene; I keep getting teary, its so pathetic!!! So now I'm all morose and I can't remember the thing I was going to say.

Strangely, that has prompted my mind to remember the interesting thing! :D :...

Welcome to The Corner, 11S's Form Room, Stroud High School, where in (fairly) regular conversation the words "betwixt" and "wherefore" are in common use, and Shakespeare is quoted (quite) often.

PS I need Bic Bic's email address
PSS I have also LOST my copy of Breaking Dawn (yes yes, ha ha, look what's she's reading har de har har harrrrr) and am mightily upset. Does anyone have a copy they could bring in on Monday for me to borrow?

Second Post

hay!! i made a post! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (;

Monday 11 May 2009

The First Post

Let's just take a moment to bask in the glory of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, also known as The Almighty, Omni, Her Majesty and Cerys, the Creator of this new blog The Corner.

This First Post records the historical moment and grand opening of The Corner a form of communication used to keep the thread of contact betwixt a group of friends ripped apart by fate and a desperate need for a later wake up time. This is no ordinary blog for it forges bonds across countries and, yes, even continents. It shall prevail even upside down in a strange world of jumping creatures and vast areas of hot waste land and even slightly sideways in a different strange world of humongous beasts with antlers and vast areas of cold wasteland.

Thou shalt not be forgotten so long as thou keeps posting.