Tuesday 26 May 2009

Third Post

Wow... That was back when we were wearing purple jumpers XO It's an upsetting scene; I keep getting teary, its so pathetic!!! So now I'm all morose and I can't remember the thing I was going to say.

Strangely, that has prompted my mind to remember the interesting thing! :D :...

Welcome to The Corner, 11S's Form Room, Stroud High School, where in (fairly) regular conversation the words "betwixt" and "wherefore" are in common use, and Shakespeare is quoted (quite) often.

PS I need Bic Bic's email address
PSS I have also LOST my copy of Breaking Dawn (yes yes, ha ha, look what's she's reading har de har har harrrrr) and am mightily upset. Does anyone have a copy they could bring in on Monday for me to borrow?

2 cutting remarks:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ah put betwixt in mah English essay ):
& Ah will, as ah said. Mah breakin dawn don't get used much no more.
& ah think ah gev you her email


RosyBug said...

Not bic bic's, you gave me everyone else's I axed for, but you didn't give me emily's twice ;]
