Wednesday 2 June 2010


So I was like OMG THE CORNER BLOG, but hey, no new posts for OVER A MONTH. You guys all suck. I hate you all. )':

Tuesday 20 April 2010

funny, i just thought that i saw a new post.
but then it was actually mine from a while ago
i believe this blog is a little bit dead

Wednesday 14 April 2010


hai guys
i should probly start my english essay now since its due tomorrow but i dont even have a thesis yet and i know I KNOW its gonna be a buttbag (bag of butts) so i kinda dont wanna do it...

yush so tell me about things plz

i have a job interview on friday :D shoe store WHATS UP
30 hour famine on friday, i dont eat for 30 hours so some kiddies in africa or some shit can eat
actually im only doing it cuz i need 40 hours of community service to graduate and i have none so far and this gives me 10 so thats good


Monday 5 April 2010

I has house

We bought a house. We're moving in July and will no longer live in a rented one.

Other than that, I still come onto her regularly, Robing you're not alone.

Friday 2 April 2010

Cunt Destroyer.

SO THIS IS MY REWARD FOR LOGGING ON? My PC freezing to that message, when my mum arrives home. *sigh*

Wednesday 31 March 2010

*middle finger*

i still go on here everyday in the vain hope that someone will have posted something new
no such luck.

i speak for emily too i spose

cept im getting emails from hilary and vicki and chats with welshy... stfu
i know about how emma butterworth shat herself, i know about how iain cameron whacks off in math class, BUT I WANNA KNOW BOUT YOU GUISE!!!!

dun leave me hanging

Monday 22 March 2010


guise guise srsly
go on
actually dont
but do cuz there are so many lulz to be had :D
but so many cawks
and they'll be like
whacking off
and you're like AHHHH NOOOO
and then you're blind
but then you get used to it
ask em how its going
ya know
so yeah
im never gonna go on omegle ever again.

Sunday 28 February 2010

I totally got sprayed by Jack Barakat's hose at soundwave

Soundwave was awesome. Its like a huge music festival thing held across Australia, I saw so many bands. Such as: Paramore, You Me At Six, All Time Low, Placebo, Alexis On Fire, Escape The Fate, Motion City Soundtrack, Four Year Strong, Jimmy Eat World...etc, twas good.
Just thought I'd mention it and make you jealous XD.
Oh I also went to the world superbikes today, cuz I'm awesome like that.

Tuesday 23 February 2010


not luvvin the background guise... not luvvin it at all...

also not luvvin how no one is posting. yay verily not luvvin.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

crazy asians.

the other day i saw the asian kids at school passing around a bottle of listerine.

we were curious, so decided to go see what they were doing.

turns out, they were taking shots of it, cuz the alcohol in it can get you drunk.

or maybe they just wanted minty-fresh insides.

who knows...

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Hey thar

Has anyone ever heard of Onision?

Cause I'm subscribed, and I just watched a video of his called COX BLOCKED and it amused me.
Check it out if you WANT TO LIIIIIVE.

Sunday 14 February 2010


So I thought it was kinda sad that the only Happy Valentine's I was wished was from a gay guy until I came on here.
Oh, and Ellie, but that was at midnight ;D
I was really quite cool with the fact that I would stay home and do nothing on Valentine's and just blow raspberries at everyone in relationships cause they have to do stuff and stuff, until Oli and I had a long rant about how glad we are to not have another half.
And then we both got miserable about the fact that we didn't have another half.
And I couldn't find the ice cream, and I'm getting bored of the salty pringles.
And I just ran out of smirnoff ice.

OKAY! Who wants a partay?! xD Bring teh caffeine pills and teh alkeehols!

(Sorry, I had to offload my momentary misery onto something, so BOVIOUSLY you want to be my shoulder xD. Yes, I said boviously.)

oh and PS happy valentines.
i guess.
personally, i think valentines can suck my dick.
but thats just me.


hai thar, whachy'all thinka mah hairs? :D
andy says its like a lego, just makes me love it a li'l bit more ;D

watchin The Best Little Whore House In Texas. dolly parton ftw <333


Thursday 11 February 2010

Damn, that last one was 230th..

Dum di duuuuum. Did I mention I was bored??
Soooo. Stage 1 of hair dying is done :3 Yaay.
Wanna hear something depressing? I'm listening to Journey. & it's just reminding me of Glee.
Romi had a super rant about it, I did laugh (:
& turns out I have Biology work to do too! Thus another post!!
Oooh TwentyTwenty came on shuffle <3333.
Did I mention I was bored?
I reckon y'all better post more. This year has been awful for posts!
& I blame YOU.

240th Post.

This is actually totally pointless, I just really can't be bothered with Drama coursework, the blog is kind of empty.. umm..

Why are anteaters so healthy?

There you go. A joke. Which the punchline to come.


I keep posting...but anyways LIGHTNING!!!one1

So I had just got home from school, I bagged a lift off a friend because I refusedto walk in the rain, and then the lighning started.
So me, my mum and Pip were watching it from the front porch place and theres a loud thundering, so we're all like "woahthat was close".
Then 10 seconds later there was the loudes thundery noise you will ever hear, plus a crack of lightning, it was so close both the light and noise came at the same time and you could hear the electricity crackling. It was kinda painful, you know at concerts when they play the one note on the guitar that goes right through you and you can actually feel, it was kinda like that.
So we, my mum and I, were talking to Pip about counting between flash and sound to work out how far away the lightning was (it had moved off by then) tocalm her down as she was scared, and we looked out the window and saw smoke from a house a street away.
Originally we thought it was a log burner or something, which is stupid cuz its still in the 30s, but then it got thicker and blacker.
We ended up calling 000 (emergency services) buti t had already been reported. it took a good 10 minutes to get through anda further 20 for the fire crews to get there, by that time we could see the flames. It was cool but kinda creepy.
Its been a destructive storm overall, Baccas Marsh was completely flooded (arent you glad you dont like there any more Robin?) and people were wading through the city centre up to their knees in water.
I have photos but I cant be arsed to get the camera, you'll have to live with it as it is.
/block of text

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Anonymous on tv

So I was watching Hungry Beast ( a current affairs program) and they were talking about the planned internet sensoring (stupid idea) and then they mention that a group of people crashed the government website in protest. This group of people, Anonymous. They then went on to show quotes and pictures of Anon. I was impressed, they once again made an impression.