Thursday 11 February 2010

I keep posting...but anyways LIGHTNING!!!one1

So I had just got home from school, I bagged a lift off a friend because I refusedto walk in the rain, and then the lighning started.
So me, my mum and Pip were watching it from the front porch place and theres a loud thundering, so we're all like "woahthat was close".
Then 10 seconds later there was the loudes thundery noise you will ever hear, plus a crack of lightning, it was so close both the light and noise came at the same time and you could hear the electricity crackling. It was kinda painful, you know at concerts when they play the one note on the guitar that goes right through you and you can actually feel, it was kinda like that.
So we, my mum and I, were talking to Pip about counting between flash and sound to work out how far away the lightning was (it had moved off by then) tocalm her down as she was scared, and we looked out the window and saw smoke from a house a street away.
Originally we thought it was a log burner or something, which is stupid cuz its still in the 30s, but then it got thicker and blacker.
We ended up calling 000 (emergency services) buti t had already been reported. it took a good 10 minutes to get through anda further 20 for the fire crews to get there, by that time we could see the flames. It was cool but kinda creepy.
Its been a destructive storm overall, Baccas Marsh was completely flooded (arent you glad you dont like there any more Robin?) and people were wading through the city centre up to their knees in water.
I have photos but I cant be arsed to get the camera, you'll have to live with it as it is.
/block of text

1 cutting remarks:

dutchy said...

NOOOO NOT MY PRECIOUS HOMETOWN!!! brb imma go tell mah momma.