Wednesday 3 February 2010


so, heres what i have to say, who actually wants to come back to cananananananada with me??? cuz if no one can or wants to come, i'll just pack my shit and stay with you guise all summer long and stuff.
so yeh
i should prolly know soon so i can buy a return ticket. i already have the ticket to take me there tho :D july 10th, gonna be siiiiiiiiiick :D
so yeh. toodle pips.

iin other news, read this, im off sick today and i was bored, so i was lurking pages on facebook. george's birthday was monday, he's one of the funniest kids in school, jordan is his man-bitch/bff, this almost made me piss laughing:

Jordan Caspersz
My brother giorgio,
If i had to make a timeline of my life, the day i met you would not only be on it but in bright red and severely underlined. I remember it like any other day, I was a mere boy just cracking the shell on my life, waiting, just waiting for something amazing to happen to me. and then on that fine day, it was cold i remember, there u were, glistening. At first i thought it was a dream (as at this time i was just starting to experiment with acid), but then as you came closer, the smell of burritos and refugees was immanent. And so it began.
Sir i hope in this little time u have left of ur birthday u remember how much of a bromance we share and how fanastic the next couple of years are going to be. I love you ♥
Mon at 23:20 ·

George Ceciarelli
my wolf-pack mate Jorda

That day was the greatest day if my life, i met everyone first but i wasnt satisfied with john knox, but then when u arrived about 5 minutes late, a lightning bolt hit the tip of my penis, u walked in, over weight, and with an intense mustache, and i fell in love. Meeting u has shaped me into the mexican i have become, and i want u to know that if ur ever in trouble with some arabs trying to burn u with cigarettes, i will not only not help u and run away, but i might shit on ur stomach while theyre done with u. WHITE LIES NOOO, i love u man, ur a great guy. plus we can hang out now.

ps. I miss eating intense amounts of KD with ketchup at ur household....

Giorgio Alessandro Ceciarelli III

3 cutting remarks:

BicBicPlum said...

Dude, just STAY here. ^^ We'll house you for a while XD

Lemon Pie said...

Nah, come here instead. I mean its only a 24 hour fight from the Uk and longer from Canadia, it'll be ok.
But seriously if you ever do visit, come see me kay?

Lemon Pie said...
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