Thursday 12 November 2009

Procrastination timkes COMEON!

So I have a drama essay due in tomorrow. Well, due in a week ago, but if I don't hand it in tomorrow I go on contract. so I'm doing the logical thing & doing every I can to put of the essay.

This place has really died hasn't it? I think we should bring it back to life! Liiike.. debate topics..

Gravity, myth or the truth?
[jelly says myth, which amy so lovelyly disproved with her chocolate bar dropping]


4 cutting remarks:

Anonymous said...

Gravity?? It's all true. it started with Newton and he was one of those guys.... grandmasters proecting the Holy Grail. the Da Vinci code says so, so it must be the truth. plus i love a good conspiracy theory.

but im confused... they were Christian, right? im still iffy on that.
Did you knwo the Church is one of the largest landowners today?

makes you think...

dutchy said...

who is jelly? i agree with them. gravity was a myth created by the guys in charge of the matrix (which is real). i know because sometimes when im in my car, the gravity gets reeeal low, so i gotta open a window to restore it.

i think i may have just contradicted myself...
we'll call it a glitch in the matrix ;D

Lemon Pie said...

Of course the mtrix is real.
why else would there be animals like the platypus or the armadillo, its bein programmed to mess with our heads.
and all that rubbish about gravity and the falling apple etc is an elaborate plot to stop us from believing that the matrix is real.
did that make any sense cuz i sure hope that it does?


yay for unconcious quoting of song lyrics

RosyBug said...

Newton was a Christian. As was Galileo :)

Robin, I think you just kicked yourself in the shins.

I believe in grabbity.