Thursday 17 December 2009

Its summertime...

and all the little poms are melting in the afternoon heat.

Well we were yesterday, its not so hot today. It was at 40 degrees C all day yesterday, like from 7 in the morning til 10 at night (Melting!!!). Its considered cold at 21 today.

Its now the summer holidays, i heard the weirdest quote the other day, "Merry christmas and make sure you dont get sunburnt" I was just like 0.o.

So hows life in merry old england? I havent heard much to be honest, well not about downfeild, i know a bit about ciren from my emailings with caroline.

I have a rat now. His names Dangerous Beans, hes all grey and has a slight bandit mask thing going on with his markings XD.

4 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...

In contrast, today I had an imaginary snowball fight.

dutchy said...

dangerous beans? haha i did a chuckle, thats pretty amazing i must say

we got snooow all day =D and school ends tomorrow, my first holiday since summer >.<

Lemon Pie said...

Snow, oh how i miss thou...
I had a birthday party today, in mcdonalds, with the party hats and ice cream cake and everything, i also went to see new moon.

BicBicPlum said...

oh coolness to everybody here. i swear, we three are the only blogger survivors. tis a sad sight.

1 - epic rosy.
2 - poor robin. sucks to be you. oh wait.... no.... you have pretty cool snow. plus you escaped all these strange and/or wonderful people.
3 - cool em. happy birthday?? XD and.... new moon. oh em. i am dissapoint