Friday 31 July 2009

Look at it!

I have green helmet hair :(

Thursday 30 July 2009

Epic Fail

Who would like to hear the tale of my hair?
Well then, gather round children.

First I dyed my hair blonde, to get rid of the purple, of course. Well, I can tell you, my hair was having none of it. The roots turned orange but nothing else changed. I thought 'crap, what a waste of 3 quid, oh well no harm done'.
Then I thought 'stuff it, I'll dye it green anyway'. If only I had listened to my mother. I did a strand test and it actually looked quite nice so away I went.
The roots well, they're an acid green colour that isn't too nice.
Then there are black patches and brown strips.
There are only a few bits that are actually a nice colour. (SHE LIES)

Oh and my hand, most of my neck and a couple of areas on my boob turned the colour of the incredible hulk. Yipee.

Irritatingly the colour of the water when I rinsed my hair was really nice so I thought it was going to look ok. I look like a witch. Or the mum from the Adam's family with green instead of white in her hair.


the rest turned bright PINK!

Au Re-bloody-voir.

I am off. Now. When me and my brother finsih things. Like packing. 'N' stuff. He's in the shower. This is my stolen moment. On the internet. Breasts. I don't want to go. Cause it'll be weeing it down. And I'll be doing the same shiz I did here. Just without the internet. Wail. Wail. Breasts. Wail.

Emily. Hatty will have your hoodie.


Wednesday 29 July 2009


holy shit guise i just like totally bred SNORKY [my sableye] with BUZZBUZZ [my illumise] & like totally just got an egg, it's cream with purple spots y'all. CHECK ITTTTTTTTTTTT

[is on]
[the left]

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Because I'm in love with you.

Whichever emo changed the theme to red on black deserves to go and cut themselves. You heard me. Emo.

Anyways, enjoy these awesome pictures. :D The last one's in there cause it makes me laugh ^^

Rag Week

Has anybody noticed how in CSI and the Mentalist, and programs such as these that appear regularly on channel five, none of the female victims are on their period?

Now you can tell these programs are meant for women because half the adverts in the one hour show are for tampax and other such sanitary items but none of the victims, or other characters for that matter, appear to ever need them. Obviously you get copious amounts of unborn babies which I guess could explain this phenomenon but I have two other explanations:

1) When America was saved from the Blob they were a bit too thorough


2) There are just no fully functioning women in America.

Sunday 26 July 2009


who wrote the stuff under the header

I Propose...

Does anyone want to come and see the proposal with me on Thursday at 1.00pm?

Meet in Stroud at 12.30?

Friday 24 July 2009

Thrupp lane is blocked...

The lorry with our container on it tried to come up Thrupp lane and is now stuck XD.
Apparently he wasnt told not to.
He was meant to go into a laybu on London road, but he didnt.
He cant go forwards or backwards apparently.

...oh wait he got out.
The packers dont liek him much, he was really rude over the phone it seems.
Silly silly truck driver.

Thursday 23 July 2009


Rosybug I can't seem to post comments at the moment so yes I paid at the beginning of the holiday.

Hatty you owe me 6 squid for a cinema ticket.



Its amazing how few boxes it takes to pack all of our stuff from the house.
There are only 5 boxes in my room and that includes the ones containing bookcases and cabinets.
Granted there are like 50 in the dining room but thats beside the point.
We're packing the container on friday I believe.

Ps. Rosy, do you have my leavers hoody because I have yours?

Tuesday 21 July 2009


Right, you know me. [[ Give or take ;) ]]

If you have paid me teh full amount fur holidayses, then please comment.

People I know who haven't paid:

People who I'm not sure about...

Tata for now ::D

Saturday 18 July 2009



Pot noodle so tasty.


Thursday 16 July 2009

Guess what...

I broke up with Mike


Oh wait, you're probably not surprised :P

I went to Paris, IT WAS AWESOME.
Ellie: I can go to Family Force 5, how much are the tickets?

Miss everyone!!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Question for Cerys

About the giraffe you gave me.
You said you'd like to take it since i can't take it with me.
Are you going to Robins party?
I could give it to you then, would that work ok?

On another note there are so many boxes around the house its ridiculous.
Everything out my room, well almost everything is bueried in boxes.
And the container doesnt even come for another week.

You have no idea how bored I am.

Welcome to Great Britain
The immigrants keep pouring in
And I can’t imagine why
When binmans refuse to take the bins
And seagulls pull cats into the sky.

The outlook does look sinister
In the hands of our bulimic Priminister
Who resembles a certain t.v star
A self-confessed spinster
Who had one too many chocolate bars.

We are encouraged, I am told
To count our pennies, invest in gold
As our income trickles to a halt
And the banks take all our money, to hold
It in an interest-less vault.

And as unemployment rises
The Government disguises
All its expenses paid by tax
But they told one too many lises
And all fell to the axe.

I guess it’s sad to stand and see
Our great land crumble in misery
So we all sink to our knees and pray
Of alien attack from a far off galaxy
That will call the Doctor to save the day.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

So so so

C to the E to the R Y S
So so so sensible?

I don't think I'm very scandalous, can't imagine why.


Lol I caught a prince


Pl0x guize can we has some holiday pics as well as aforementioned prom??

Cuz I got like NONE && i wants them!!!!!!!!!!

Tartar ^^

<3 glottis

it's a crocodile's throat...
look at the glottis and tell me what you're seeing, i have to know im not the only one D:


kay, i sent an email around yesterday saying about how i was having a final leaving party, no boys allowed XD on the 22nd of july, at my new house in south cerney ^_^

I also asked if someone could put up a notice on the blog cuz i forgot my password, but ALL OF A SUDDEN i remembered, and promptly put it in the back of my diary so i dont forget again. So now no one needs to put it on because im doing it now... =\

anyways, my address:

Windrush Lake #83


Spine Road

South Cerney

it's just off the A419, opposite the cotswold outdoors shop and down the road a bit, just tell the doorman guy at the gate that you're going to windrush 83 and he'll let you through =D

be there at noon or before, BUT NOT AFTER!!!!

you should bring sleeping bags and pillows and DVDs and stuff because we only have a few spare blankets and stuff, cuz everything else is in boxes DX, but if you honestly can't bring sleeping bags or whatever (cough cough emily XD) then we have a few spare things. ALSO we'll be tubing on the lake during the day, so bring a towel and your swimming stuff ^_^

all awesome DVDs are... awesome, so yeah, no preference =D

NO SKIPPING OFF this is probly the last time you'll see me for a couple months at least =[
RSVP asap please, so i know how many places to book =D

also, my new email is, and i'll be using it from the time that i get to canada, so add me ^_^

ex's and oh's guys

Sunday 12 July 2009

Sorry I left

Hello everyone. I'm really sorry I had to leave early yesterday and skip all the cleaning etc, I had a really good time but I hope you all understand the week ended quite badly.

Half an hour after I got home yesterday we went to the vets to say goodbye to my dog. His arthritis got much worse a feew weeks ago and the drugs we were given helped to numb the pain but they also seemed to act as a catalyst for his kidney failure. At the beginning of the week my parents took him to the vets as he was unable to eat, drink or walk and he was vomiting everywhere. He stayed for 2 nights on a drip and could barely manage to lift his tail in recognition when he saw us.

I stayed for the injection with my dad and the vet warned us he could deficate, urinate and even gasp after death but he managed to retain his dignity. Which is more than could be said for me; I bawled my eyes out like a child. I didn't want to cry and then my dad cried which was wierd, scary and also quite comforting because I felt less like a pansy.

It's all sorted now and we're going to scatter his ashes which sounds a bit phsyco considering he was pet but he's been a permanent feature for the past 11 and 1/2 years so I guess it's ok. He was 12 years and 5 days old so it was kind of expected. Now that it's happened I don't want to talk about it. I don't want any sympathetic hugs or anything either.

If you've gotten this far without getting fed up with my sombrely irritating tone of type then thankyou.

Saturday 4 July 2009

where is the layout tab...

hmmmmmmmmm....where could it be hiding

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Okay guize, Prom pictures! I wants them alls, so can we all put them on here? Cerys said she would && I figured it was a good idea so I don't have to trawl though numerous sites, Facebook && Bebo included - they is dildos.

Also, blue theme? Hmmhmm.