Tuesday 14 July 2009


kay, i sent an email around yesterday saying about how i was having a final leaving party, no boys allowed XD on the 22nd of july, at my new house in south cerney ^_^

I also asked if someone could put up a notice on the blog cuz i forgot my password, but ALL OF A SUDDEN i remembered, and promptly put it in the back of my diary so i dont forget again. So now no one needs to put it on because im doing it now... =\

anyways, my address:

Windrush Lake #83


Spine Road

South Cerney

it's just off the A419, opposite the cotswold outdoors shop and down the road a bit, just tell the doorman guy at the gate that you're going to windrush 83 and he'll let you through =D

be there at noon or before, BUT NOT AFTER!!!!

you should bring sleeping bags and pillows and DVDs and stuff because we only have a few spare blankets and stuff, cuz everything else is in boxes DX, but if you honestly can't bring sleeping bags or whatever (cough cough emily XD) then we have a few spare things. ALSO we'll be tubing on the lake during the day, so bring a towel and your swimming stuff ^_^

all awesome DVDs are... awesome, so yeah, no preference =D

NO SKIPPING OFF this is probly the last time you'll see me for a couple months at least =[
RSVP asap please, so i know how many places to book =D

also, my new email is, and i'll be using it from the time that i get to canada, so add me ^_^

ex's and oh's guys

4 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...

Apparently, my parents will take me, then collect me the next morning to take me to the small hut. No internet. No friends (apart from ex-boyfriend Matt Gwynn xD).
So yar :) Methinks it will be good.

BicBicPlum said...

hmmmm wednesday huh. at noon hmm?? that might be a problem...

ewwww swimming stuff... XP

Spleen said...

I'M GOING!!!!!!!!

Yays ^^

RosyBug said...

I thought it was today. Then it wasn't. I stressed out, cause I woke up at 11:30. Wail.