Thursday 23 July 2009


Its amazing how few boxes it takes to pack all of our stuff from the house.
There are only 5 boxes in my room and that includes the ones containing bookcases and cabinets.
Granted there are like 50 in the dining room but thats beside the point.
We're packing the container on friday I believe.

Ps. Rosy, do you have my leavers hoody because I have yours?

10 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...

Wow, that sounds like a lot of boxes. Methinks I do Dx I always forget stuff. Eg:

Robin, I actually did leave my phone at yours. Did you find it?


Lemon Pie said...

Well done Rosy.
I'll bring it next time I see you.

I found out that all the furniture I have to use for the next 5 weeks is borrowed, and most of it is garden furniture,
We dont even have a microwave.
Not all of us get to live in fancylakehouses with all the furnishings XD.

BicBicPlum said...

ohh rosybug.

poor Lemony. i miss your house. and robin's house. *sniff*

Lemon Pie said...

And I'm sure my house misses you. XD
Because houses have feelings ... yeah ...
My house is still here, there just nothing in it.
Well there will be nothing in it by friday anyway, at the moment its still in piles of boxes.

RosyBug said...

Oh dear, pie. Sounds...gardeny. And I hate gardens! Dx
Please pass my sympathies onto your old house ^^ I'm sure its fairly bereft at the moment.
PS have my phone?

Lemon Pie said...

...i dont think so
i only have your hoody
unless the phone is in the pocket or something
i shall check
...nope i do have your vasaline though

Spikey Pikey said...

Both your phone and makeup thing are now in the care of Hatty, Rosy.

RosyBug said...

I know! Because I met her coming out of the shower. I was an unexpected visitor which probably made Hatty feel abused. :)

You have my vaseline? Awesome! Hey...when can we exchange hoodies? I is going on holiday on wednesday or something, cause my parents have decided to leave today and leave us for a few days :)

RosyBug said...

That first bit was about my phone, and retrieving said phone :) And Hatty.

Lemon Pie said...

Uhh my mum works near where you live so i could get her to do the exchange
...that might work