Sunday 12 July 2009

Sorry I left

Hello everyone. I'm really sorry I had to leave early yesterday and skip all the cleaning etc, I had a really good time but I hope you all understand the week ended quite badly.

Half an hour after I got home yesterday we went to the vets to say goodbye to my dog. His arthritis got much worse a feew weeks ago and the drugs we were given helped to numb the pain but they also seemed to act as a catalyst for his kidney failure. At the beginning of the week my parents took him to the vets as he was unable to eat, drink or walk and he was vomiting everywhere. He stayed for 2 nights on a drip and could barely manage to lift his tail in recognition when he saw us.

I stayed for the injection with my dad and the vet warned us he could deficate, urinate and even gasp after death but he managed to retain his dignity. Which is more than could be said for me; I bawled my eyes out like a child. I didn't want to cry and then my dad cried which was wierd, scary and also quite comforting because I felt less like a pansy.

It's all sorted now and we're going to scatter his ashes which sounds a bit phsyco considering he was pet but he's been a permanent feature for the past 11 and 1/2 years so I guess it's ok. He was 12 years and 5 days old so it was kind of expected. Now that it's happened I don't want to talk about it. I don't want any sympathetic hugs or anything either.

If you've gotten this far without getting fed up with my sombrely irritating tone of type then thankyou.

4 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...


Was that acceptable?

Spikey Pikey said...

Yeah it made me smile XD

RosyBug said...

Good :D

BicBicPlum said...

goodbye walter. you were a truly awesome dog.

is that okay too?