Sunday 28 June 2009


Just to put you all at rest :)

Not like death rest, just plain old peace-o'-mind rest.

What the hell...

PROM PROM PROM- it's in 2 days, did you know that? I bet you didn't know that. Gutted if you didn't know that- of guess what. I have the official best prom shoes EVER! They're cream and very platformy and they have diamondy bits on and they're the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Period. Ew, period.

I am listening to MJ. Isn't it bloody typical that it's after he's dead and I have to get a refund on my tickets that I get really into listening to Smooth Criminal over and over and over and over... my tankini bottoms- eh, rosybug ;) YOU REMEMBER RIGHT? And you Pickle, you should know too! AND BRACEFACE who has joined us- what a monumental occasion :P You should remember, you do right?

My fingers hurt from typing so quick :( OWCH

I think I have exhaustion, but I'm not sure how because apart from work and the train journey and the dress fitting and the shopping and the eating McDonalds breakfasts- which, I'm ashamed to say, are lovely- and the car journey and the rehearsal and band and Borat, I haven't done anything!
Oh, that would explain it XD

I feel like I'm talking to myself :P

Did I mention prom? Or my shoes? No? Well...

*yawn* Naw, I can't be bloody flaming and bloody blast and bugger and flaming bloody assed ^^


ps. that's what "Chitty" means, you know- chicken farmer. So now I'm a bloody car and a bloody farmer covered in chicken crap. Joy. But it doesn't matter because I have the bestest and highest shoes ever invented to stab the chickens and give the car a flat tyre. Plus I'm so high nothing could ever hurt me- unless of course, I was to fall over and spear myself... or hit my head... or get pecked to death by chickens or run over by the car. Wow, I've never had so many prospects before XD

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