Wednesday 10 June 2009

A Little Bit Topical

I thought that I'd enlighten you on some more humorous occurences involving unfortunate politicians from todays newspaper:

Nick Griffin (the BNP Party Leader) was leaving a conference when he was pelted with eggs by demonstrators who were yelling stuff like 'Nazi scum' etc.
The Daily Express has a fantastic picture of what looks like an egg yolk passing through one of his ears and coming straight out the other. It is captioned by something along the lines of 'the BNPs were not amused, they only accept whites' I thought this was genius!

And secondly

The French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, apparently stood on a box whilst addressing the D-day memorial audience because he was much shorter than both Barack Obama and Gordon Brown. He's only 5ft 5inches and his super model wife calls him her 'petite chou chou'!

Oh what a giggle...

3 cutting remarks:

Spleen said...

Ahaha, I giggled at both of those :P

I think the BNP one is funnier, because, as you say, the caption was genius :P

Did you know I can't spell genius? I spelt it "genious" to begin with XD

Well, you know what they say... the greatest minds can't spell :P

Spikey Pikey said...

Really who says that?

RosyBug said...

Your mum ;]

I laughed both times, and "aww"ed at 'petit chou chou' xD