Tuesday 16 June 2009

Stupidity && AWESOMENESS.

Hey guize, any of you noticed those anonymous posts? Yeah? That was me. I uh, forgot my password :$

It's okay though! I remembered!! So I thought I'd rejoice openly, && noone can mock my forgetfulness :P

Also, Hattie && Rosy seem to be the only 2 regulary (how do you spell that?!?!?) posting. Kudos guize.

I ofc, have an excuse. I have an exam to revise for. Which I am doing. Right now. Not playing Sims 3. Not posting on this blog.

(I think I got away with that one)

Okay, people, now for the AWESOMENESS bit. As you probably have noticed I'm a tad obsessed with musicals. So I was looking on Amazon to buy the rest of the Buffy series I don't yet own, && I came across this: "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog" as one of those buy-with things.

I know it SOUNDS kinda weird, but it's awesome. It's a 3 episode thing about this guy who's trying to get into the evil league of evil, && finally talk to the girl he's in love with.

You can watch the whole thing on YouTube, it's really sweet, && the songs are awesome too (:

Warning: The end is SO SAD!

&& it is pretty weird at first. (LOL, I wrote "pretty wack" first before I realised gow, er, wack that sounded.


4 cutting remarks:

Spikey Pikey said...

Totally go bald for prom
I post regularly!!!!
I shall watch it now...

RosyBug said...

If you aren't comfortable with bald, go for the short black ;]
I shall watch it deary :D
And its spelt "regularly" I always say "reg-you-larrr-lee" in my head when spelling it :)
And hellyeah, you got away with it.
OMB, did I tell you that I sobbed YET AGAIN at the first scene of Star Trek? T-T

Brace Face said...

rosy bug =3 kirk or picard?

RosyBug said...

Kirk all the way - although Picard can steal your girlfriend any day of the week xD but yeah, Shatner holds my heart ^-^
I cried. Its so sad. And I'm in LOVE with Dr. Horrible. I was liek NOOOOOOOOOO.
There are some awesome quotes in here ;]
"And these aren't the hammer." ... "the hammer is my penis"
"random happentimes"
"Signed Badhorse"
Dude, those singing guise are, lieks, WESOME!!!!