Tuesday 23 June 2009

Oh hai tharr...

Thought I should let you know that I will be limping and fairly immobile - or, rather, slowly mobile - at the meeting. I managed, somehow, to pretty much recreate the injury I sustained from jumping on a trampoline, causing a week off school and about 2 months of physio. However, this is now on the other ankle. xP bummish because I barely fit into my prom shoes now Dx

On the plus side, I find this piucture amusing. :)

3 cutting remarks:

Spikey Pikey said...

This due to that little slip at Josie's?

Brace Face said...

i appriciate the picture and smirk at your pain


RosyBug said...

Yes, that little slip at josies. And you can smirk at my pain later on today, when you see the colour and size of my foot. >)