Friday 5 June 2009

The Quest!

If you don't like what you see here
Then get the funk out!
We won't try to force feed you
Just get the funk out...

Ah such a great song.
Sooooo Additional Maths was pretty difficult and I am shattered (physically and emotionally oh yes) and yet here I am air guitaring to an awesome solo in my head whilst typing something none of you will actually care about.

How was German for those of you who took it?

Ah now I remember the purpose of this particular post:

A Quest!
Yes a quest my friends. And one that is both deadly and frightening in equal measure. Now gather round the fire brave knights and I shall disperse my adventure...

You must unite together and search high and low for the mysticals they name Robin, Gowheaded, Amy and the self named Spider Queen. Once you find these beings of somewhat substantial sort of bordering on mediocre but none the less impressive power you must conquer their forgetfullness and grant them membership to our sacred land.

I beg of you do not tarry nor dither for it is up to you to complete the circle of complete fullness.

Be careful on your perilous journey, I shall speak to the magic stars so that you return victorious and roughly as whole as you left.

(This is a disclaimer that states everyone embarking does so of their own free will and if any person is subsiquently maimed it is their own damn fault and I refuse out right to pay up in any form)

6 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...

*bursts in, sweaty, dramatically, and in a suit of armour smelling of sweat, and strides forward out of breath*

I FOUND THEM! Those creatures that dwell in the nether regions of darkness and shadows like the ill-begotten greatly-feared EMOKIDS that plague our lands at night, named of Robin, Newog and Spider Queen! I found them, and talked to them. They have great power.

I asked them, knees a-quaking, to check their emails, and yet no reply. (That was a pointed, very pointed, remark to those here who have NOT replied to my also urgent email.) I fear to ask them again, or approach them, even with gifts.

But if I were not alone - if we banded together (perhaps with gifts, if pleased) to ask them, mayhap they will forget their forsaken ways and join us.

However, this technique is highly dangerous. It has been used far east of here, by the filthy mongrel breed we call chavs. The name has whispered through the trees to find us, and has told us of "peer pressure". Fear not my friends; my comrades. We shall pray for blessing in turning those undeserving of the eternal punishment of darkness to the blissful light of Corner.

Are you with me?! *manly roar*

(By the way, if you are reading this, and you have not replied to my email, EMAIL ME BACK, WE AREN'T EXACTLY DISCUSSING BARACK OBAMA'S SIGHTSEEING, CHARADING AS AN END TO TERRORISM)

Spikey Pikey said...

Dear Rosy my heart is stilled with the fear of what's to come for we must complete the circle, something we cannot do without the help of the not quite almighty ones. I quake at this very thought but I believe it is our only option to force them to check their E-mails.

Gravely I suggest this barbaric and violent idea but it is truly our last resort.

It will take courage.

It will take fortitude.

It will take bribery.

I am with you!

(I shall answer your brackets with a pair of my own: have you releashed a new E-mail? For my inbox is as bare and barren as Queen Mary's womb though I have dilligently pressed 'refresh' on occasion this very afternoon.)

RosyBug said...

Indeed my wise friend, it shall. We are together!

(I shall reply with brackets. My previously irately begotten reminder was for those who ahve NOT checked their email and replied; you, my dear are not of this vile race.)

(PS lol, I had to look fortitude up ^^)

Spleen said...

Chitface no speaky de olde rappin.
Okay, enough chavness ^^

RosyBug said...

Your address is still the candy cane-esque one, right? You haven't changed to a slightly more...liek mine one have you?

Spleen said...

nope, it's still lollie pop XD