Wednesday 2 September 2009

back from ol' north...

jup, im back from the lonesom forests of northern canada. now kiddies, im sure if you were paying attention in geography class you'd know that no one lives there. they dont lie, honest to blog. i talked to this one old guy at the boat petrol station and he had TWO TEETH. TWO. holy shit it was like... woah.

anyhoos, regarding my last postage, the typo was deliberate, you guys are all total resluts and i dont wanna catch your herpes. y'know like... results herpes? whatever, it doesnt work as well. love you guys anyways.

now im sitting at my basement desk with my dad in the next room playing nazi zombies. we're the only ones at home, we're playing a fun game called "divorcee father and disfunctional teen". it's pretty cool.

what else, what else...

oh, got my results, 2A*s, 2Bs and the rest were As, so im pretty pleased =] guess this makes me a reslut too lmaoooo

initiation day at the new school on thursday, will post pics of me in my uniform on the first day of school, it's not too awful.

uh... party on the night of initiation day, gonna get wasted and game till 2 in the morning with my new bff jesse, fook yeeeeeeah

lol you guys are getting replaced already
naw... i love you guys for cereal.
cept i dont have cereal, i have pop tarts and coffee
unless it's cap'n crunch.
or froot loops...
not lucky charms though, shit's not as delicious as previously anticipated... =/

pic unrelated (HELL YEAH GOT MY /b/ FOLDER BACK!!!!)

7 cutting remarks:

Lemon Pie said...

froot loops are disgusting.
they look awesome (like gay cheerios XD) but taste hideous.

congrats on your resluts by the way.

Lemon Pie said...

Oh and your uniform will be 10 times better than mine.
i went into the centre of melbourne today and was uniform spotting
all of them are hideous.
couloured skirts, ties, blazers and t-strap shoes damn it!
and thats just the winter uniform
the blue summer dresses are worse.

RosyBug said...

Oi! My old school uniform had to be the worst! Even our hair-ties had to be pine green. How OBSESSIVE is that?! Anyways yeah, we had a kilt - a kilt, no less - in blue and green check, pine green woolen tights, pine green polo-necks. That was winter.

Summer? The same design as the kilt, but a SHAPELESS dress that hung to just below the knee. It had a pointless seam at the hips, and pine green socks that had to be pulled up to just below your knees.

Sport? School-issue (rather expensive) green tracksuit set, GREEN SPORTS PANTIES, to be worm under your green sports skirt. White polo shirt with BPS logo on it. Blue shorts for girls, white shorts for boys, concerning PE. Swimming costume - ordinary, nothing fancy. Black. Swimming cap mandatory. Goggles forbidden.

And possibly the worst thing was: we even had school-issued sports kit bags. They didn't even fit the colour scheme!!!

Oh, and school before that, the uniform was like SHS's. Pic in our hall, check it out, if you can :D

Sorry, rant rant. ^^'

Well done, reslut. And what was that game? Did your parentals get divorced?

Love love.

RosyBug said...

I meant to add more incredulityness into that last question btw. xP

Anonymous said...

hey Robin.
miss ya buddy :D

aww the little year sevens look so sweet in their lil' jacket/blazer thingies XD
and, oh crap... there's a bloody picnic tomorrow... a picnic!? what are we? receptions?

-Bic Bic

dutchy said...

aw no fair, you guys get a picnic?? i want one!!
and lololol at rosy's uniform rant, i kinda wish you could say it in person
sounds like it'd go with alot of hand gestures... what evs
nah nah, my parentals are still married, but my mum went away with my bro and sis
lol they bitch about each other so much, funny as hell from the outside
my parents that is... not the siblings.

RosyBug said...

It wasn't a picnic. Really.
It would have. :) And a lot of amusing faces, although that's just kind of how my face is...
Ahaha, really? Lawl xD