Monday 7 September 2009

Hello there I have many a thing to say.

One: Robin what the hell? I'm now addicted to 3OH!3 and it's your fault. I also miss you we need some normality like telling you to sit in a way that does not display your pants.
Two: Hatty, Hattie, Rosy what the hell? You spent all lunchtime screaming at the top of your lungs about WOW and Runescape with fishboy and Mr. Lispy.
Three: Mrs. Howgatw what the hell? I hate English someone save me!
Four: I'm just pissed 'cause I have to get glasses *grumpy face*.

2 cutting remarks:

RosyBug said...

I would like to clarify that I had very little to do with that partiular conversation.

And it sounds to me like you are just having an itty bitty tantrum ;)

dutchy said...

blllaaarg i know what you mean about "normality", we have to wear trousers to school, so no one is ever gonna tell me to put my legs together again
pfft exaggeration much XD
ps 3oh!3 are amazing. always.