Monday 31 August 2009

method number 3


method number 2 =3

the longcat method


pliss take a moment to review my method of recieving delicious cake =3 i made it the blog picture, because i'm that proud...i'm trying to think of more...


I an currently sat in Hong-Kong airport waiting for the next flight to Australia.
Just had 11 hours to get here, only 9 to go.

I'm sat on the floor in the middle of the boarding gate cuz this is the only place that had a plug socket, all the weird chinese people are looking at me funny and talking in chinese (no duh, they are chinese).

All the links along the top of the blog are in chinese too, its weird.

My flight leaves at 9.20 am Hong-Kog time so about 2.20pm(?) might be am Uk time.
I think it is am cuz I left Heathrow at midday...

So by this time tomorrow I should be in the rental, cool huh?

Sunday 30 August 2009


So I have a HOOJ headache from brain "stimulators" and I decided to get some tea.

Strange thing is though, its starting to taste like really tasty porridge.


My spoon is too big!


My sister has moved to Exeter so it's just me since my mum has work. *snore*
Sooo, TY Rosy for the duck song, but does anyone have any fun internet things to do?
Cause BubbleShooter && Tetris are killing my brain.
Also, I worked out how to get pics in a post! && don't say it was obvious.. cause it wasn't..
&& remember guize, watch out for the oomoo!
ohhhh my brain..

Saturday 29 August 2009

forgot the pic :O



well i'm back from wales y'all, pulled up in my fire engine red cadillac 1969 at about 2:27. a jolly good 4 effing hour journey was had by all =P i brought nothing back apart from misery & storms OH & some random lyrics that have been floating around in my head ALL day. I SEE A BAD MOON RISIN' LOOKS LIKE WE'RE IN FOR NASTY WEATHER...fook yeah CCR blast from the past much x3 mew

so yeah guise =P what happened while i was gone? oh results day, yeah how did that go?


hai guys, havnt got my results back yet, wanted to know what you guys got
i know, i know, you may be saying "but robin! you were there in spirit! you said so yourself!"
alas, turns out my spirit is lacking in the ear department >.<
so yeah. spill

lack of pic unrelated. im on my dad's laptop, missing my /b/ folder DDDD:

Thursday 27 August 2009

Hey. Got anyyy grapes?

Type The Duck Song in on youtube. First video.


It truly deserves this face. >>>

Then he waddled away. ~waddlewaddlewaddle~


I know this doesn't concern everyone from the corner (a couple spring to mind: ellie, amy) but what day does we go back to DF? Is it the 1st of sept?



FUCK YEAH!! went to my first party in the country last night!
only 7 people including myself were there, but that means, what, 5 NEW FRIENDS FOR ME!!!!
Truely it was an exhilerating experience.
I did get a little drunk, but good news is I didn't cry. Relief, amirite?
I'm a little let down now though, way too quiet in this basement where I spend my days.
That's right, im a real life basement dweller. Laugh it up, i know you want to.
just wanted to let you guys know. AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE.
fuck yeah. GI Joe.
no one else got that reference, did they?
whatever. peace out homedogs.
ps johnny depp is a butt. Rosybug does not get my thankyous.
pic unrelated.

Tuesday 25 August 2009


to whoever made the background, you're my favorite person today.

just wanted to let you know.

pic unrelated.


I'm off to London.


I'm going to see Adam Cooper. :D (see pic, for it IS related xD)

PS Watch "fred is dead".


Sunday 23 August 2009

Speaking of Result's Day..

What time do we get there?
&& where fo we go?

..I pay attention ):

Ze Background.

To all: you're welcome.

Results day party

Mike's party is from half 7 til midnight on results day :)

His address is:

8 Orchard Road

His phone numbers are:


(Right, I've done my bit, I'm not doing ANYTHING ELSE!!)

Thanks for comings.

I had a good time, I hope you all did too.
Hope the pig was ok, well it seemed to be since people got seconds.
And the music wasnt all that bad.
Hopefully my realatives didnt scare you too much either, feel lucky that you arent related to them.
Thank you for the presents aswell, I appreciate it.

Saturday 22 August 2009


have fun at the party y'all
pic unrelated

Going to set up for the part in like 10 minutes.
See you there peoples.

and holy crap, did you notice jasper's boobies?
mother of sodomy, they're bigger than mine...

vampirepussies? on MY blog?

it's more likely than you think.

Friday 21 August 2009


By that i mean ol' Robby boy. with his death glare and wicked insane cheekbones.


What the hell is Corpse-Face doing on our blog!?!?


this is a sad, sad day.


you may have fixed the comments emily, but it is by far the most retarded commenting system i have ever seen on a blogging website ALSO wales tomorrow for a week D: BAWWW its gunna be so boring so i'm bringing phone wii gameboy & MAH POKEMANZ [almost fell off my chair due to explosive pressing of the caps lock] so yup =3 putting you all to shame because my egg just hatched into A MOTERTIPPING WYNAUT <3 i had some clothes in my room today that i havent seen in liek a year because my mum could be bothered to wash them yesterday for the first time in MONTHS, seriously...i forgot i had most of those clothes :C [SADFACE] i'll probably drop in with a last goodbye comment tomorrow moring 'afore we board ship for "WAYALS" when i get back i should have that wonderful accent that i re-pick up everytime i go to wales for a week.


Leaving partays.
Its on the 22nd of August so ... 1 days from now at 7.30pm-late.
Its being held at:
The Green Man,
Froest Green Rovers Football Club.
There will be food, a pig roast, there will be veggie alternatives.
Entertainment will be a disco, good music I promise, me and my parents made the list of songs to be played.
Uhh there will be an abundance of my creepy relatives and Pips little friends unfortunately, but it should be bearable XD.
Yeah thats about it.
Oh, and can you please remind peoples off the blog about this, you people are more likely to contact them than me.


Yep. i lie to you not. there's no need to panic anymore.
rolled into tetbury at about 11:56 last night. yay!
Unfortunately, i did not see wild haggis (i saw dead ones in a butcher shop) and Nessie was being shy. I did not see her either. her or her copious amounts of supposed boat-shaped children.

and JESUS guys! wtf with the posts? im gone five days and its.. what?... fifteen posts?

oh. and i cant comment. my laptop just freezes up. bloody thing.


What are we doing for results day?
It's next Thursday!
I'm shit scared.

By the way Emily what day is your party?
And also time (My invite was eaten by pocket dragons, oh those pesky dragons)


What are we doing for results day?
It's next Thursday!
I'm shit scared.

By the way Emily what day is your party?
And also time (My invite was eaten by pocket dragons, oh those pesky dragons)

this month just became the most-blogged-in month so far.
congratulations all.

also things were looking a little barren, thought i'd zazz up the place.
y'know... it was just... lacking in zazz. am i right to say this?
whatever, im sticking this motherbitch on the zazztrain to zazzville.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

someone mention king of the hill?

Cerys' observations.

Wow what a testosterone filled page.

No wait, I fixed it

The comments work now.
Granted not exactly like they did before.
But they do work.

Ze comments are broken

Even on the pre made backgrounds they are broken.
I'm hoping blogger will fix it.


i know i just posted, but i just wanted to tell you guy how much i love king of the hill. seriously.

also, i wanted to tell rosy that i too am in love with shane dawson, but i havent yet figured out how to post comments... damn.

then who was unicorns?

the fuck guys? the fuck...
i dont even know how to post a comment.

Monday 17 August 2009

I say this to your unicorns.

Oh yeah.

Sunday 16 August 2009



This guy.

Made. Me. LOL.


Check out ""DON'T TRUST ME" - Sarah Palin", and "Twilight New Moon: Hungry For Blood".

And "Emo Bop"

This guy is a genius.

I'm off to teh toiletten :D


I'm really bored. It's now hald past 10, && STILL noone is up, && I haven;t decided whether to go to the Nayegon's today or not. I may cry from boredom. I tidied my room, I was that bored.

Frustrayshun!!1! && who wants to see...?

I am posting this post because I am ANGRY.

I have LOST my Ciren college sign-in thingy which means i can't access the summer work page which means I can't print off my English homework I forgot to do last time which means they're going to HATE ME ):

Plus I really CBA to write 800 words on the last piece of theatre I saw that wasn't a musical (which was An Inspector Calls, teehee) or a review of a film trailer or anything else. ANGRYANGRYANGRY.

Speaking of films trailers && wotnot, congrats for reading this far! Are any of y'all wanting to see The time traveller's wife? Cause it's one of my all time favourite books, and I really want to see it, but obviously I don't want to go on my own. Plus Eric Bana NOMNOMNOM is in it. He's NOMMABLE. (:

Saturday 15 August 2009


I swear. I have never longed for home more than that.

Apart from Brownie camp, possibly, where I totally sat on a swing and cried cause I was homesick. But I was young. I AM SIXTEEN.

ROBIN. I have read up the posts. I am very sorry, very sorry indeed, about the breast- no, bear, and the icecream. And the skunks.

But very excited about the guy with the tattoo :D Totally invite me round.

Cerys. Your hair looks fairly awesome. Once you get past the...greenness.

Vicki and Robin. I would have posted. But I was busy saving the world.


Hatty. I was very touched (as always :D) by your facebook post. I squeeed.

And...what is the written past tense of squee? I mean, squeeed looks a little...queer. In the non gay sense. xD

I'd like to conclude with five great things about America: Freedom, Justice, America... and uh, what's that last one? Right. Taco Bell.

There is a GNAWSOME shop in Ilfracombe though, which deserves some ogling by everyone.


Friday 14 August 2009

Bonjour (spelt right this time)

So I just got back from France! It was, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, super cool. If inhumanely hot, and I mean that like I was sweating from the temperature change between the top floor and the second floor.
We tried this thing called a teliski (it probably has accents but who gives a shit?) and if you thought the thing we did at South Cerney was fun you should try this. Basically it's a set of telegraph poles at regular intervals around a lake with wires stretched between them. Along these wires run long pieces of string with handles attached and you hold onto them and then stand on snowboards or skis (we knelt on bodyboards because we were just that crap) and then you get WRENCHED around the lake super super fast. And you have to take the corners really wide to keep the string taught otherwise it suddenly goes really slack and then yanks you round again. I was really good to begin with and then I wasn't. I kept falling of at the same corner because I couldn't take it wide enough and it was right in the middle so I had to swim for AGES to get out the damn lake. I am telling you my arms, neck, thighs, shoulders and forehead were in utter agony for days after due to this truly violent sport. What made it worse was the french dudes whizzing round and purposely spraying me as they passed because they 'practice'. They got totally shown up by this little ginger girl who did it on an old skateboard with no shoes or anything, she was cool but the rest were twats.

Also France has been really bad for my nails: I've broken three right down to the quick so they were REALLY sore and had no thumb nails for like two weeks. This is not funny due to the fact we practically lived off pistachios.

Oh and Tescos are 'considering' my job application among others, my brother also recieved a letter only his said he had been rejected :) I shouldn't laugh but I do!

Guess Who's Posting A Post?!?

Hay hay! Apologies Robin below for not posting much, but I been away!! Where the only internet has been by iPod, which is lame && only lets me look at posts, but not comment or post any. Lameface :

But I went to Camden && spent like an hour in Rocket Dog, it was so awesomely cool && neonness.. sadly didn't buy anything, but it GLOWED! && still happiest point was seeing Avenue Q in the west end, && we had liek, the best seats EVAR. But watching a sex scene (you can't put your finger theeerree) with your mum is highly embarrassing. In all honesty, I was in hysterics the whole time.

&& does anyone know where to get poptarts fromm? Dan has loads but can't remember where from @: Halp! I have a poptart craving. && I'm eating waffles! Oh the awesomeness of my food.

Well, That's all I have to say now. OHNOWAIT! Today Pickle is getting a puppy (: Eep! I need names!

&& now I shall go back to my iTunes like the cool gal I am.

xo xo


no one is blogging, which is freaking upsetting, considering there's no good TV and i only visit maybe 3 or 4 sites daily (this blog, 4chan, mibba [yeah, i said it] and facebook, but only recently because my cousin says i have to be a normal canada girl and they do this kinda shit or something...)

so yeah, lack of blogging on a blog site, it's, well lets face it, it's bringing me down. lower than what shorty got. and let me tell you SHORTY GOT LOW LOW LOW low low low low....

moving on.

oh crap, i just stared at a bright pink screen for too long and now everything is all green and trippy.

probably shouldnt have taken those pills...


also, i know i've told you many a time, but the skunks here creep me out

theres one that lives under the house about 2 down from ours, and it's always there when i walk around the block at 3 in the morning.

i have trouble sleeping.

ALSO theres this super SUPER hot guy working in D-tox at the mall (it's like blue banana, but less rave and more retro, it's a cool place to kick it, yo XD) and i think i might be in love with him.

i've been there everyday for the last 3 days.
he lived in germany. he told me so. he also said that i should sit myself down and work out what the coins were here. i think that one was an insult though... oh well.

also, he has a little tattoo on his right hip. i saw when he was reaching up to stack shelves.

oh god, i creep myself out sometimes.

and i wouldnt have had to say that if you guys had blogged in the first place, then i wouldnt have to be sitting here and spilling my guts to avoid a visit from the awkward silence turtle.

wow, i think im overtired. or paranoid. i keep hearing the water pipes and thinking its my dad waking up to have a go at me XD no idea why my dad would go KLUNK KLUNK when he woke up though. whatever.

im off, toodle pip to reginald. WINK!!

p.s. pic totally related, its how i feel right now. NAWT. D=<

Wednesday 12 August 2009

shit guys, gimme a hand?

ok so, i was eating my cookie dough icecream out of the container like a good girl should
when all of a sudden...
i fell asleep in front of the computer.

it's melted.

all of it.

can i re-freeze it or what?

oh god... im in the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

ok, so i tried to re-freeze it.
didnt work.
threw it out.
parents dont remember it was there.
problem solved, +50 internets for robin.

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Since Bicbic asked for a new topic I'll post this now.
Leaving partays.
Its on the 22nd of August so ... 11 days from now at 7.30pm-late.
Its being held at:
The Green Man,
Froest Green Rovers Football Club.
There will be food, a pig roast, there will be veggie alternatives.
Entertainment will be a disco, good music I promise, me and my parents made the list of songs to be played.
Uhh there will be an abundance of my creepy relatives and Pips little friends unfortunately, but it should be bearable XD.
Yeah thats about it.
Oh, and can you please remind peoples off the blog about this, you people are more likely to contact them than me.


eyy. can somebody re-invite Warner??
Cus i dont know how to do it..

Also, are there no new topics!? what's with everyone? Something interesting must be happening!

Sunday 9 August 2009

Off to Och-Aye Land...

Contraire to previous belief, we are off on holiday soon. To Scotland. Oooo Tropical.

We're going Nessie huntin' with the Jocks. yayyy gingers in skirts! I might have to go swimming though to reclaim my idiotic dog... who we are bringing along. His first holiday in six years. Bless.

Sooo.... 15th you'll all have to try to get by without me. Not that i'm very present anyways...


Oh god i cant speak teh lingo...

Saturday 8 August 2009


just came back from a camping trip up north in the ol' canadian outback.
not cool, the tent leaked the first night, then i got ate a bajillion times by frickin mosquitos.
but then i shared a cool apple bong with my cousin. vair frrooty. ;D
then i had skittles AND WOULDYA BELIEVE the purple ones are grape! fancinating...
then i had 5 cups of coffee and almost peed my air mattress (but i didn't, it's awwwwright)
a bear broke into our food tent and smashed up all 3 of the coolers, ate all the hummus, chive dip, eggs, milk and like, 2 litres of margarine
i wasn't lying hatty.
there was a bear.
then i saw a beaver.
now i am home.

ALSO i made my first friend who is not a direct relative! (dun dun duuuuuuuun)
his name is tyler, he's 5'5" (vair short) and is my cousin's cousin on her dad's side (where my dad is her mum)
complimacated... but happy days nontheless.

kinda bummed out that imma be like, the most hardcore kid in the nunnery, i'll teach em how we rock it in STROUD.

mah bitch.


Thursday 6 August 2009

An amusing story...

...Okay, so when we got the prom bus they wrote "The Corner, SHS, Prom 2009", right?

Well, they never took it off the system so when they updated the destinations of all the buses in Gloucestershire it got put on there!

So now every stagecoach bus has the option of going to "The Corner, SHS, Prom 2009" XD

My stepdad's now going to take pictures of all different buses with it on- including the new, super high-tech, gold outside/leather inside, possible WiFi buses :P (they even have lit up floors :P)

Wednesday 5 August 2009

oh hai guise

i'm bored =3

pic unrelated...

my pokemon egg hatched btw =D

it was a volbeat <3 <3 <3

named it McGyver

to tell you the truth he's just a little bit

it says his personality is 'naughty' ;D

Sold the house

£210 thousand .
We wanted £215k or above but this will do.
Plus the guy knows the neighbour and liked him.
So he can put up with the late night, loud war movies, or the constant burning of crap and wont complain that he didnt know it would happen. XD
I'm kinda happy now.
Only a countdown until I leave, 25 days now.
Its kinda creepy but awesome at the same time.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Punny Happy Potter

Here are some puns I made up on the first evening of my holiday:

What do you call a witch with a sporting injury?


What do you call a frozen Weasley?

A Cauld-Ron

Which fruit would you give to a relative to make them bigger?

A Pump-Kin

How did the naughty school girl lose her limbs?

An Expeli-Arm-us charm

Which teacher would take a bug's Sex Ed lesson?

Professor Slughorn

Where do Spanish rodents perform their autopsies?

A Vole de Morte

What did the group of gay men say to the werewolf?

Rim-us Lupin!

Sunday 2 August 2009


Bonjour mon amie!

I'm in sunny france, it smells like cheese but I have the internet!!!!!

How will you all cope with out me?

Thank you to who ever changed the picture, is it me or does Hilary look really grumpy?

And, Hatty, did you go see Inkermanstreet yesterday or not? Please say yes!