Friday 14 August 2009

Bonjour (spelt right this time)

So I just got back from France! It was, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, super cool. If inhumanely hot, and I mean that like I was sweating from the temperature change between the top floor and the second floor.
We tried this thing called a teliski (it probably has accents but who gives a shit?) and if you thought the thing we did at South Cerney was fun you should try this. Basically it's a set of telegraph poles at regular intervals around a lake with wires stretched between them. Along these wires run long pieces of string with handles attached and you hold onto them and then stand on snowboards or skis (we knelt on bodyboards because we were just that crap) and then you get WRENCHED around the lake super super fast. And you have to take the corners really wide to keep the string taught otherwise it suddenly goes really slack and then yanks you round again. I was really good to begin with and then I wasn't. I kept falling of at the same corner because I couldn't take it wide enough and it was right in the middle so I had to swim for AGES to get out the damn lake. I am telling you my arms, neck, thighs, shoulders and forehead were in utter agony for days after due to this truly violent sport. What made it worse was the french dudes whizzing round and purposely spraying me as they passed because they 'practice'. They got totally shown up by this little ginger girl who did it on an old skateboard with no shoes or anything, she was cool but the rest were twats.

Also France has been really bad for my nails: I've broken three right down to the quick so they were REALLY sore and had no thumb nails for like two weeks. This is not funny due to the fact we practically lived off pistachios.

Oh and Tescos are 'considering' my job application among others, my brother also recieved a letter only his said he had been rejected :) I shouldn't laugh but I do!

1 cutting remarks:

Anonymous said...

I second that! Poor poor ẗẽḽịṧḱị