Saturday 29 August 2009


hai guys, havnt got my results back yet, wanted to know what you guys got
i know, i know, you may be saying "but robin! you were there in spirit! you said so yourself!"
alas, turns out my spirit is lacking in the ear department >.<
so yeah. spill

lack of pic unrelated. im on my dad's laptop, missing my /b/ folder DDDD:

4 cutting remarks:

Brace Face said...

i liek totally got as D: shocker amirite?

RosyBug said...

Well that totally made my day :)

2 A*s a bunch of As and a halndful of Bs.

I emailed the teachers I liked with lots of gushy (erotic) sentimentality. Mr. Green's was the best reply in the world. :)

Lemon Pie said...

I gots 4 A*, 4 A, 2 Bs.
sounds good so far right/
Then i got a D and an E XD.

RosyBug said...

Mr Green said "I'm speechless" loads, and said he loved having me in his form, because I was one of the only ones who got the "I'm your boss" "so you're Mr. Stevens" Eddie Izzard thing xD