Thursday 27 August 2009


FUCK YEAH!! went to my first party in the country last night!
only 7 people including myself were there, but that means, what, 5 NEW FRIENDS FOR ME!!!!
Truely it was an exhilerating experience.
I did get a little drunk, but good news is I didn't cry. Relief, amirite?
I'm a little let down now though, way too quiet in this basement where I spend my days.
That's right, im a real life basement dweller. Laugh it up, i know you want to.
just wanted to let you guys know. AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE.
fuck yeah. GI Joe.
no one else got that reference, did they?
whatever. peace out homedogs.
ps johnny depp is a butt. Rosybug does not get my thankyous.
pic unrelated.

4 cutting remarks:

dutchy said...

oh yeah, and have fun at results day

RosyBug said...

I had to leave really early cause my mum said we did xS weirdness. Ahaha Robin, I think the "pic unrelated" is moot now, they always are xD

Spikey Pikey said...

I wanted to see G.I Joe but it wasn't on 'til six :S
We tried to get into to see Inglorious Bastards instead but the guy asked for I.D even though just moments before he let a MOTHER buy two children tickets for her and her daughter. She was at least 24.

RosyBug said...

Awww, I wanna see that film xD